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Latest stock price forecast related to the Sina, Stock Ticker: SINA

Everlumen tracks the latest stock price forecast for Sina, help you make wise investment decisions.


Sina, some basic information:

Sina.com.cn is one of the four largest internet portals in China, with the other three being Tencent, Netease, and Sohu. It provides five major service lines, including Sina News, Sina Mobile, Sina Community, Sina Enterprise Service, and Sina e-Commerce. The company operates in Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, and North America, making it the largest global Chinese language portal website. As of Dec 2011, Sina had more than 230 Million registered users and approximately 700 Million daily page views. According to Alexa, Sina ranks as the fourth largest website in China and the sixteenth worldwide.

Name: Sina

Category: News Portal

Founding Year: 1998

website: sina.com.cn

Stock Ticker: SINA

IPO Date: April 13, 2000
